FURTHER to our meeting at the NPC office after the promulgation of the massacre verdict last December 2019 and where the NPC has affirmed to assist you continuously despite the first stage of the legal case already over, we are pleased to inform you that TESDA, thru Sec. Isidro Lapena, has AGREED to accommodate you thru the various TESDA scholarship programs (you can enroll for free in any course of your choice as TESDA “scholars,” subjet to compliance with TESDA’s other requirements).
This kind gesture of TESDA and Sec. Lapena is ahead of the formal signing of another MOA/MOU between the NPC and TESDA to help all NPC members avail of TESDA scholarship.
In this regard, our records showed that there are only 18 families of the victims who registered with the NPC during the December meeting; the massacre, on the other hand, victimized 58 persons.
The NPC is therefore calling on all the families of Ampatuan massacre victims to send, via messenger, the complete names of at least two of the victims’ family members,CONTACT NUMBER/S, your relation to the victim/s, your present residential address and the TESDA course you want to enroll.
Kindly coordinate also with the NPC’s sole coordinator for Mindanao, Ms. Rose Tamayo, for assistance.
Kindly respond also within this week (June 1 to June 7, 2020) so we can expedite the whole process.
Please share this good news to the other victims.
Thank you.
Paul M. Gutierrez
Vice President and
Chair, Press Freedom Committee.
For the other NPC members outside Mindanao, kindly wait for the signing of the MOA/MOU. Unahin lang muna natin ang mas nangangailangan. ###